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FAQs & Troubleshooting
The Precisely Platform: Key Features & Tools
FAQs & Troubleshooting
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Electronic signature
Pricing, Privacy & Terms
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FAQs & Troubleshooting
A list of the most commonly asked questions by Precisely's customers
Getting started & account settings
How do I create a Precisely account?
What should I do if I don't know or have my password?
How do I confirm my account?
How can Precisely benefit my business?
How do I integrate Precisely into other systems?
How does your contract conversion service work?
How do I create and switch between organizations in-app?
How do I activate two-factor authentication?
How do I decide a date format for my organization?
How do I change my personal email address in Precisely?
How do I change my billing email address?
How do I add or change my name in Precisely?
How do I decide on the number formatting locale in my organization?
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Documents & automated templates
How do I convert Word files into Precisely templates?
How do I create a template reference?
How do I create a conditional question?
How do I add references in template titles?
How do I manually change or mark the document as completed or signed?
Can I skip questions when drafting from a template?
How do I create a conditional table row?
How do I create a conditional block?
How do I work with multiple-choice references?
How do I choose an exact time to send a reminder?
How can I restore a deleted document?
How do I restart numbering in the template editor?
How do I convert Word files into Precisely documents?
How do I compare two document versions?
How do I redline contracts using Precisely?
How do I use Precisely’s contract versioning?
How do I add metadata tags to contracts and automated templates?
How do I add a default signee to a template?
How do I negotiate a contract using Precisely?
How do I create relationships between projects and contracts through interlinking?
How do I use formulas in automated templates?
How do I add appendices to a template or a document?
How do I add tables to documents and templates?
How do I add images to draft and template documents?
How do I copy a template from one organization to another?
Styling & formatting
How can I preview my contract while drafting?
How do I amend or renew a contract?
How do I assign questions to other parties?
How to I enable Precisely AI on uploaded files?
How do I use unique external IDs for projects?
How do I search for documents, appendices, and supporting files within a project?
How do I change the owner of a template?
How do I create a preparation checklist?
How do I decide which reference type to use?
How can I make appendices conditional?
How do I start creating a new template?
How can I import existing references to use them in a new template?
How do I sort and organize template questions?
How do I make an invisible table?
How do I resize tables?
How do I add a conditional signee to a template?
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Your Precisely archive
How can Precisely help me import my old contracts into the Archive?
How does automated archiving work?
How do I search the archive, use filters and set up filter segments?
How do I import contracts to the archive?
How do I use folders to categorize my contracts?
How do I export a list of contract metadata?
How do I change the owner of a document?
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Control & compliance
How do I allow reviewers to share suggestions?
Can I approve contracts for someone else?
How can I know when someone has reviewed a document?
What is inherited access to projects and documents?
How do I lock templates to disable changes?
Why are my approval workflows not working?
How do I share or restrict access to a document, folder or template?
How does approval automation work?
How do I check audit trails and activity logs?
How do I decide approval orders?
How can I allow users to upload files when drafting from a template?
How do I control drafting permissions for uploading & signing documents?
How do I set minimum and maximum values for references?
How can I change approvers after I've already created a contract?
How do I manage uploading permissions in the template settings?
How do I allow members to add appendices?
How do authentication codes work in Precisely?
How can I use the Dashboard to see an overview of my Precisely contracts?
How can I send automatic signing and approval reminders?
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Can I add a specific email to receive all signed contracts?
How do I change an email address after I've sent a contract for signing?
What is the maximum supported number of signees and the maximum document size?
Placing signatures and signing every page of a document (DocuSign, Adobe Acrobat Sign)
How do I send a contract for electronic signature?
What happens when I cancel a signature request?
Why are signees not receiving signature requests?
How do I decide signing orders?
How can I add my company's logo to templates and outgoing signing or review emails?
How do I save signing messages to reuse them later?
Are electronic signatures legally binding?
How can I change signing provider or a method?
How do I decide on signature position and customize signing information with DocuSign?
How do I work with "Send to DocuSign" functionality?
How do I connect my personal DocuSign account with Precisely?
How can I keep track of documents I need to sign?
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Users & permissions
Providing contract information as a non-Precisely user
What is the difference between "read and write" and "read-only" team access?
Reviewing a contract as a non-Precisely user
How do I invite my colleagues to the platform?
What is the difference between a Viewer, Member, Manager, and Admin?
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Language settings
What languages are supported in Precisely?
How do I change the application language?
How do I change the language of our outgoing communication?
What is the difference between communication language and application language setting?
General information
Where can I find my organization ID?
How do I stay up-to-date with the latest improvements and updates in the platform?
How do I cancel my trial account?
How do I contact Precisely?
How do I request a feature or provide feedback?
Which browsers do you support?
Are all contracts created on and uploaded to Precisely secure?
Where do I find your Privacy & Cookies Policy?
Where do I find your Terms of Service?
How do I add or edit my name in the platform?
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