How can Precisely help me import my old contracts into the Archive?

Learn more about how Precisely can assist you in migrating your legacy contracts and importing your old, external contracts into Precisely's smart Archive

Storing your external contracts in the Precisely Archive lets you stay on top of all your contracts.

By setting up reminders, metadata, and folder structure for your documents, you will be able to:

  • search, filter and export the list of your contracts based on multiple criteria in seconds
  • receive automated reminder notifications for all your tasks regarding specific documents
  • keep control of which teams and departments can view and access specific folders

What can Precisely do for me?

In the Precisely Archive, you're able to bulk import your documents into a specific folder or a subfolder. Learn how to bulk import documents here.

However, adding smart features on each document separately - such as setting up metadata - can take a lot of time. Here at Precisely, we can help you with most of these tasks!

We can assist you in migrating your legacy contracts with the following data: 

  • Document name
  • Document description
  • Notes 
  • Metadata
  • Folders & Structures

Please keep in mind that we're not able to migrate:

  • Document reminders
  • Document relationships

Once your contracts are in the Archive, you will be able to set up reminders and relationships manually.

“Sounds great, how do we get started?”

Once you've signed up for our digital platform and would like to request the migration of legacy contracts as a service, please contact your Customer Success Account Manager or simply send an email to

You'll then receive further instructions on what exact information is needed from you in order for us to successfully migrate your old contracts. This can depend on your package, but also on what data you'd like us to migrate.

Happy contracting!