How can I use the Dashboard to see an overview of my Precisely contracts?

Learn more about how to use your Precisely Dashboard to keep track of your contracts and usage statistics

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In your Precisely account, you have access to a Dashboard that gives an overview of your:

  • Expiring documents
  • Upcoming reminders
  • Documents out for signing
  • Pending approvals
  • Usage statistics 

You can easily navigate to any document in your Dashboard by clicking on its link. 

The Usage statistics section displays how many contracts have been created and signed in recent weeks:

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You can also create a new contract draft directly from your Dashboard page:

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How can I see an overview of all documents out for signing?

In your Precisely Dashboard you can see a list of documents currently out for signing in your organization. You can navigate to the 'Documents out for signing' overview page by clicking 'View more':

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The Documents out for signing page displays the details of:

  • Documents you have sent for signing 
  • Documents sent for signing by other users in your organization. Note: You must have access to the project containing the document or have archive access to the document to see it in the list.
  • Pending signees on documents

Documents out for Signing page

The pending signees section displays which signees have not signed the document yet. Send a signing reminder to the pending signees by clicking the blue bell icon:

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By default, the overview page will display documents that you have sent for signing. To view documents sent by other users in your organization, simply:

1. Click the 'Sent by' filter button

2. Select 'Anyone' to see documents sent for signing by all users 


3. Type a user's name or select their name from the drop-down menu to see documents they have sent for signing and send signing reminders.

You can send signing reminders directly from the dashboard for any document that you have read and write access to.

filter sender


Looking for a way to create reports on your Precisely contracts? Click here to learn about exporting contract metadata from the Archive.