Learn more about troubleshooting approval workflows, including common issues such as faulty and conflicting conditions
To enable as many use cases as possible, Precisely’s automated approval workflows can be configured in an almost infinite number of ways. This flexibility can also lead to complexity.
You can always turn to this article if your approvals are not working as intended.
Troubleshooting approval issues
Here are some common issues with approver setups:
1. Faulty use of conditions
When you’re using conditions for approvers, keep in mind that all condition combinations follow an “AND” logic. If you want to use an “OR” logic, you’ll need to add the same approver to the list again for each different condition.
For example, the following approver will only be added if the answer to a question about if a penalty should be included or not is “Yes”, AND the answer to a question about the penalty amount is greater than “100 000”:

If you want to create an “OR” logic, you can add the approver multiple times with the different conditions.
For example, the following approver has been added twice with different conditions. They will be asked for approval if the user drafting the contract belongs to the Legal team, OR if the user drafting belongs to the Sales team:

2. The draft does not comply with a condition
Approval workflows will not trigger if the draft does not comply with your conditions for an approver. For example, if you have set up automatic approvers based on teams but the user drafting does not belong to the team in the condition, no approver will be added.
Another example is condition combinations; if the draft does not comply with any of the conditions in a combination, the approver will not be added.
Please review your conditions thoroughly if your automated approval workflow is not working as expected.

Were you unable to find the solution to your approval workflow issue? Please contact us.