How do I work with multiple-choice questions?

Learn more about different settings in multiple-choice questions

When setting up questions in automated templates, there are a few types of answers to choose from: short text, long text, numeric, date, multiple clause, and multiple choice. Read more

Multiple-choice questions

If the answers can be predefined, you can use multiple-choice answers. The user drafting from the template can then only choose from your predefined answers to the question.

Single answer

By default, it's only possible to choose one answer.

NEW: Multiple answers

When setting up each question, you can decide to turn on the toggle Allow multiple selection. This will allow users drafting from the template to select several answers to that question.

Screenshot 2023-05-11 at 13.34.37

⚠️ Note: You can't edit the "Multiple Selection" setting after the question is created.

If you allow multi-selection, users drafting from the template will get a help message explaining they're allowed to select more answers.

Screenshot 2023-05-11 at 16.28.26

Impact of multiple answers on the other parts of the automation

1. Multiple-choice references in conditional elements

When setting up conditional elements (blocks, rows, questions, and approvals), the following operators will be available if the reference comes from a multiple-choice question:

  • is equal to
  • is not equal to
  • contains any of
  • does not contain any of

These operators are available no matter if the multiple-choice question allows single or multiple answers.

2. Multiple answers in relation to a single metadata point

If you have metadata connected to a reference that will result in several answers (due to multi-selection), each answer is added as a separate metadata point.

multiple choice metadata


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