How do I add a conditional signee to a template?

Learn how to add conditional default signees to a template

Creating conditions for default signees

You can choose to add conditions to your default signees, which will determine if a signee is added to a contract generated from the template. If you do not add conditions to default signees, they will always be added to each contract generated from the template. 


How to add conditions to default signees 

To add conditions to default signees, simply:

1. Add the default signee to your template

2. Select the 'Manage conditions' button to the right of signee details

3. Set conditions by selecting a reference, an operator, and an answer

4. Add or remove conditions by clicking the plus or minus symbols

5. Combine conditions by using the 'AND' operator, or create separate conditions by selecting the 'OR' operator

6. Click the blue 'Save' button to save the conditions

Screenshot 2025-02-18 at 10.55.16signee conditions

Important Notes: 

  • When redrafting from the template, the signees will update to reflect any new answers given in the questionnaire. To update the signee list, you must first 'publish' the new version.
  • When using the 'project creator name' system reference in a condition, ensure that the name matches exactly to the full name of the user in your organization. Any spelling errors will result in the condition not being recognized.


Do you want to add default approvers to your template?

If you have people who should give initial or final approvals to contracts generated from a specific template, you can add them as default approvers. Default approvers will automatically be notified that a contract needs approval when a contract is generated from that template.