How can I set up Precisely’s automated emails to be sent from our company email?

Learn more about custom SMTP and how to set up Precisely's automated emails to be sent from your business email domain

Precisely's automated emails are triggered and sent to the recipient(s) in different cases:

  • user management (invitation)
  • approval workflow (request, confirmation)
  • document reminders
  • review (invitation, updates)
  • signing (invitation, reminder, confirmation)
  • additional authentication codes for external users
  • ...and more.

All emails are automatically sent from Precisely's email domain.

However, the organization is able to set up those emails to be sent from their own company email. This can be done through a custom SMTP configuration.


Note: In the case of custom SMTP, all automated emails can be sent from one, general email address per one Precisely organization. We recommend setting up a new email address dedicated to all potential interaction with automated Precisely emails, such as precisely@[yourcompanyname].com


To get going with custom SMTP, reach out to your account manager (see more ways of contacting Precisely).