Learn more about the possibility to let your counterparties sign Precisely contracts directly in your own system
You can integrate Precisely’s functionalities with your favorite apps and software through the Precisely Contract Automation API.
Precisely’s features can be used with almost any other system. Examples of Precisely functionalities that can be performed in connection with other software using integrations include:
automated contract creation based on data in your CRM, ERP, or HR system,
sending contracts for e-signing directly from a third-party system (the signees receive an automated email signature request),
- signing contracts directly in your environment (embedded signing),
exporting copies of executed contracts and backups to your current software suite,
...and many more
Please visit the Precisely REST API documentation for more technical information and the full list of supported functionalities.
Embedded signing allows your signees to sign directly within your environment
One of the supported functionalities in Precisely's Public API is embedded signing. Embedded signing enables Precisely contracts to be signed directly in your own software, application, or website environment.
When your counterparties sign directly in your environment, all the automated contracting magic and secure storage is maintained within the Precisely CLM platform.
Signing providers
Precisely contracts are signed using third-party signing providers. Currently, there are six different signing providers and fifteen methods we support and can integrate with Precisely.
Read more about signing providers and methods here.
With embedded signing, we support the following signing providers and methods:
1. Dropbox Sign (formerly HelloSign)
Signing method: eSign
2. Scrive
Signing methods: eSign, PIN by SMS, Swedish BankID, Norwegian BankID, Danish NemID/MitID, Finnish eIDs (Finnish Trust Network), Verimi (Germany), SmartID (Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia).
Signing Precisely contracts using these methods requires an additional integration that is part of our partnership with Scrive. We can either set up Precisely’s Scrive account for you as a customer, or you can use your own Scrive subscription when signing contracts with Precisely.
Technical requirements
Your Precisely username and password are used for authentication, and your permissions/user role also applies when using integrations. Please contact Precisely to get going with our API license.
P.S: Make sure to check out all our integrations, such as native integration with Salesforce and HubSpot, and Precisely's Zapier app.