How do I use folders to categorize my contracts?

Learn how to use folders to categorize and sort your contracts

Folders can be used to gather contracts of the same type or contracts belonging to a certain project in one place. 

Creating folders and subfolders

To create folders, simply

  1. Click Archive in the top menu, 

  2. Click the green New button in the top left,  

  3. Click New folder, name your folder and click the blue Create button.

To create subfolders, simply click the main folder to open it and repeat the steps above. 

Screenshot 2022-07-26 at 10.45.52

Moving items into folders

To move a contract or folder into a folder, simply

  1. Click Archive in the top menu,

  2. Click the Options button (the three dots) on the right-hand side of the contract or folder you wish to move,

  3. Click the Move to button, choose the folder that you want to move the item to and click the blue Save button.


⚠️ Please note that you can only move documents one by one. Therefore, as the initial step, we suggest first creating folders, and then uploading or automating multiple documents to directly end up there. Read more below👇

Automated folder destination for Precisely documents

By setting up automated archiving for a template, all contracts created from that template are automatically stored in the correct folder. Having automated archiving set up on each template includes the following:

  • documents will automatically be located in the wanted Archive folder, and there’s no need to manually move them in the Archive from one place to another
  • teams with access to that specific folder will automatically get access to:
    • documents in that folder in Archive
    • corresponding project in Draft & Sign

See how to set up automated archiving on a template level

Importing external documents into Precisely Archive

As mentioned, contracts created and electronically signed through Precisely are automatically stored in your digital archive. While legacy contracts and contracts that you've signed manually are easily imported.

To import contracts, simply

  1. Click Archive in the top menu, 

  2. Open a specific folder where you want to import documents. Then, click the green New button to the top left.

  3. Click Import document and choose the files you wish to import in that specific folder.

Screenshot 2022-07-26 at 10.46.06

P.S: Would you like to import all your old contracts, and connect metadata & other Precisely features to them? Precisely can help! Read more about our migration service.



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